Timur A. Maisak
Russia, Moscow timur.maisak@gmail.com
Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences; HSE University

Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
2024, 3 Timur A. Maisak Continuative constructions in the Lezgic languages and their use in parallel contexts (in the Gospel of Luke translations) 60-98
2024, 2 Timur A. Maisak [Review of:] L. Johanson. Code Copying. The strength of languages in takeover and carry-over roles. Leiden: Brill, 2023 159-164
2021, 5 Timur A. Maisak [Review of:] T. Kuteva, B. Heine, B. Hong, H. Long, H. Narrog, S. Rhee. World lexicon of grammaticalization. 2nd, extensively revised and updated edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019 142-149
2019, 3 Timur A. Maisak, Vera S. Maltseva [Review of:] H. Sarvasy, D. Forker (eds.). Word Hunters: Field linguists on fieldwork. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018. (Studies in Language Companion Series, 194.) vi + 177 p. ISBN 9789027200273. 153-160
2016, 3 Timur A. Maisak P. M. Arkadiev. Areal’naya tipologiya prefiksal’nogo perfektiva (na materiale yazykov Evropy i Kavkaza) [Areal typology of the prefixal perfective aspect (a case study in European and Caucasian languages)]. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskoi kul’tury, 2015. 352 p. (Studia philologica). ISBN 978-5-94457-220-2. 140-147
2013, 5 Timur A. Maisak L. Johanson, M. Robbeets (eds). Copies versus cognates in bound morphology. Leiden: Brill, 2012. xv + 455 p. (Brill’s studies in language, cognition and culture. V. 2.). 130-135
2010, 6 Timur A. Maisak On the publication of the Caucasian Albanian palimpsests from the Mount Sinai Monastery. 88-107
2010, 3 Timur A. Maisak The 42th Annual Conference of the European linguistic society. 156-157
2008, 6 Timur A. Maisak Perspectives on grammar writing. 121-124
2006, 6 Yuri B. Koryakov, Timur A. Maisak [Review of:] G. Hewitt Introduction to the study of the languages of the Caucasus. Munich: Lincom Europa, 2004. viii + 346 p. 98-102