Classifications of intratextual relations: Bases and structuring principles

2021. №3, 97-119

Alexander A. Goncharov
Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control”, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia;


The present paper examines bases and structure of classifications of intratextual relations. These relations have been actively investigated but there is still no consensus as to their nature and inventory. Moreover, as the number of discourse-labeled corpora for different languages continues to grow, the situation only becomes more problematic: the growing number of discrepancies both between and within approaches makes it difficult to compare them and thus to utilize the results. An analysis of classifications of intratextual relations, which is seen as a step towards mitigating this problem, is put forth. The bases, structure and applications of each classification are described. The paper shows the extent to which classifications of intratextual relations can change as the result of applying them in tasks such as annotation of texts in different languages. The appropriateness of the classifications examined for Russian corpus annotation is shown using Russian material.

For citation:

Goncharov A. A. Classifications of intratextual relations: Bases and structuring principles. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 2021, 3: 97–119.


The reported study was funded by RFBR, project No. 19-112-50254.