Year / Number Authors Title Pages
1990, 3 Р.Н. Попов, Л.Е. Кругликова [Review of:] Žukov V. P., Sidorenko M. I., Skljarov V. Т. А dictionary of phraseological synonyms of the Russian languag 155-159
1990, 3 Rodmonga K. Potapova, О.П. Крюкова [Review of:] Kanter L. A. Systemic ana­lysis of speech intonation 159-160
1990, 2 A.V. Desnickaja On the origin of the Albanian language (comparative and socio-historical aspects) 5-12
1990, 2 Vladimir M. Alpatov On the comparative study of linguistic traditions (The statement of the problem) 13-25
1990, 2 A.T. Krivonosov The integration of linguistics and logic (based on the material of causal constructions in Russian) 26-41
1990, 2 Л. Дэже Functional grammar and typological characteristics of the Russian language 42-57
1990, 2 В.У. Дресслер Against the ambiguity of the term «function» in «functional» grammars 57-64
1990, 2 Е. Беличова On the theory of functional grammar 64-74
1990, 2 V.E. Orel, О.В. Столбова On the reconstruction of Proto-Afrasian vocalism 75-90
1990, 1 K. Heger The noeme as tertium comparationis in comparative analysis of languages 5-25
1990, 1 A. Rona-Tas Altaic and Indo-European. Marginal remarks on the book of T. V. Gamkrelidze and V. V. Ivanov 26-37
1990, 1 A.V. Desnickaja On the notion of the secondary genetic affinity and its importance for the study of Balkan linguistics 38-44
1990, 1 L.A. Gindin The Luvians in Troy (an essay of linguo-philological analysis) 45-65
1990, 1 A.V. Jakovlev Juncture in Afrikaans caused by variations in pronunciation 66-71