Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
1999, 6 V.S. Sidorets Contemporary East Slavonic multiword names of actions with a desemanticized component in the light of functional and comparative analysis 66-78
1999, 6 Elena V. Uryson The linguistic image of the world and lexical loans (Russian lexemes OKRUGA and RAJON) 79-82
1999, 6 G.I. Berestnev Images of plurality and the image of plurality in Russian language mentality 83-99
1999, 6 V.D. Devkin [Review of:] Bol’shoi tolkovyi slovar’ russkogo yazyka [The comprehensive explanatory dictionary of the Russian language] 125-131
1999, 6 M.B. Borisova, O.B. Sirotinina [Review of:] Tolkovyi slovar’ russkogo yazyka kontsa XX veka. Yazykovye izmeneniya [Explanatory dictionary of Russian in the end of the 20th century. Language changes] 131-135
1999, 6 I.S. Ulukhanov [Review of:] E.G. Kotorova. Mezh”yazykovaya ekvivalentnost’ v leksicheskoi semantike. Sopostavitel’noe issledovanie russkogo i nemetskogo yazykov [Cross-linguistic equivalence in lexical semantics. Contrastive study of Russian and German] 135-139
1999, 5 Valentina Apresjan Concession in language and words with the meaning of concession 24-44
1999, 5 I.B. Shatunovskii [Review of:] E.V. Paducheva. Semanticheskie issledovaniya (Semantika vremeni i vida v russkom yazyke; Semantika narrativa) [Semantic studies (Semantics of tense and aspect in Russian; Semantics of the narrative)] 130-138
1999, 4 T.E. Yanko On the notions of communicative structure and communicative strategy (founded on the materials of the Russian language) 28-55
1999, 4 Boris L. Iomdin Semantiсs of verbs of irrational understanding 71-90