2025, 2 |
Ekaterina Rakhilina, Daria Ryzhova |
The principles of verbal colexification |
7-25 |
2024, 4 |
Roman V. Ron’ko, Arseniy D. Anisimov, Ekaterina A. Zalivina, Sofia A. Zemlyanskaya |
Lexical change in Russian dialects: The case of one Pskov dialect |
27-44 |
2024, 3 |
Aleksey M. Starchenko |
Semantic field SEARCH in Amguema Chukchi: From morphosyntax to semantics and back |
99-127 |
2023, 6 |
Ekaterina Rakhilina, Daria Ryzhova, Madina Ardabaeva |
Semantic field SEEK: Shughni data in the light of lexical typology |
103-119 |
2023, 5 |
Yury A. Dzittsoity, Alexander I. Falileyev |
The magic bead of the Ossetians: Philological and linguistic analysis |
101-116 |
2022, 6 |
Elena L. Berezovich, Irma I. Mullonen |
On semantic and etymological reconstruction of borrowed “cultural words”: Pomor Russian noun gurij ‘landmark sign made of stone’ |
21-43 |
2022, 4 |
Tatiana I. Reznikova |
Verbs of hiding: A typology of systems |
66-94 |
2022, 4 |
Irina G. Bagirokova, Daria Ryzhova |
Verbs of hiding and their combinability with locative affixes in Adyghe |
95-114 |
2022, 2 |
Oleg F. Zholobov, Victor A. Baranov |
Transformations of the lexical row životъ — žiznь — žitije in Slavic: A linguostatistical analysis |
65-101 |
2022, 1 |
Daria Ryzhova, Maria V. Kyuseva |
[Review of:] I. Kraska-Szlenk (ed.). Body part terms in conceptualization and language use. (Cognitive Linguistic Studies in Cultural Contexts, 12.) Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2020. |
151-168 |