2025, 2 |
Ekaterina Rakhilina, Daria Ryzhova |
The principles of verbal colexification |
7-25 |
2024, 3 |
Aleksey M. Starchenko |
Semantic field SEARCH in Amguema Chukchi: From morphosyntax to semantics and back |
99-127 |
2023, 6 |
Ekaterina Rakhilina, Daria Ryzhova, Madina Ardabaeva |
Semantic field SEEK: Shughni data in the light of lexical typology |
103-119 |
2022, 4 |
Tatiana I. Reznikova |
Verbs of hiding: A typology of systems |
66-94 |
2022, 4 |
Irina G. Bagirokova, Daria Ryzhova |
Verbs of hiding and their combinability with locative affixes in Adyghe |
95-114 |
2021, 6 |
Maria N. Usacheva, Anna L. Leontyeva |
Basic pain terms in Beserman Udmurt |
69-98 |
2018, 3 |
Qiang Si |
Diachronic changes in the system of Chinese aquamotion verbs from the viewpoint of lexical typology. |
128-146 |
2017, 6 |
Anna A. Zalizniak, Anna A. Smirnitskaya |
P. Juvonen, M. Koptjevskaja-Tamm (eds.). The lexical typology of semantic shifts. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2016. viii, 600 p. (Cognitive Linguistics Research, 58.) ISBN 9783-11-037752-1. |
122-130 |
2017, 5 |
Elena L. Rudnitskaya |
M. Koptjevskaja-Tamm (ed.). The linguistics of temperature. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015. 934 + xii p. ISBN 9789027206886. |
136-141 |
2014, 3 |
Lilija S. Xolkina |
A. Kopecka, Bh. Narasimhan (eds). Events of putting and taking: A crosslinguistic perspective. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2012. xv + 371 p. ISBN 97890-272-0681-7. (Typological studies in language 100.). |
124-131 |