Beyond syntacticocentric and lexicalist: Event-structural force-dynamic approach to noun incorporation and promotion to direct object in Amguema Chukchi

2023. №2, 114-143

Alexey I. Vinyar
HSE University, Moscow, Russia;


There are two most common approaches to analyzing noun incorporation: syntacticocentric, which derives this construction via syntactic movement, and lexicalist, which argues that this complex verbal stem is formed by compounding in the lexicon via rules operating in a verbal lexical entry. Without discussing the general theoretical possibility of such analyses, in this paper I advocate a much less widespread analysis of noun incorporation. I argue that noun incorporation rules are directly derivable from the event structure. Taking W. Croft’s approach to argument and event structure, I review previous studies and provide some new field data which point towards event-structural analysis of noun incorporation and promotion to direct object formulated in concepts of force dynamics, affectedness and subevents’ ordering. I also argue that the force-dynamic analysis I propose does not postulate idiosyncratic rules: the restrictions I formulate for noun incorporation and promotion in Amguema Chukchi are simultaneously cognitively and diachronically grounded.

For citation:

Vinyar A. I. Beyond syntacticocentric and lexicalist: Event-structural force-dynamic approach to noun incorporation and promotion to direct object in Amguema Chukchi. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 2023, 2: 114–143.


The research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant No. 075-15-2022-325). I would like to express my gratitude to my colleagues from HSE and the research group on Amguema Chukchi, who contributed to this study by extensively discussing it with me. Special thanks go to Ivan Stenin and Polina Kasyanova, who critically evaluated this article throughout its preparation. I would also like to thank three anonymous reviewers who made data presentation, analysis, and language of this article more coherent. Finally, I praise the contribution of Amguema community to my research. Without my dear Chukchi teachers this study would not be possible, вэлынкыӄун! All mistakes and misinterpretations are my responsibility.