Patterns of deverbal nominalization in Kaqchikel

2022. №6, 62-80

Irina S. Burukina
Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary; Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary;
Irina P. Burukina
Penza State University, Penza, Russia;


The paper provides an overview of productive patterns of deverbal nominalization in Kaqchikel (Mayan; ergative, VOS/SVO). Adopting the universal typology for deverbal nominals developed by J. Grimshaw, H. Borer, and K. Moulton, we demonstrate that, while in English and other well-studied languages of Europe the same morpheme is often used to create all kinds of deverbal nouns, Kaqchikel clearly disambiguates between the three cases: complex events, simple events, and result nominals. We consider in detail the core semantic and syntactic properties of the three classes of items, thus filling in a gap in the description of Mayan syntax and further contributing to the general discussion of nominalization across the world’s languages.

For citation:

Burukina I. S., Burukina I. P. Patterns of deverbal nominalization in Kaqchikel. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 2022, 6: 62–80.


We are grateful to Irma Yolanda Raquec Teleguario, Filiberto Patal Majzul, Gloria Imelda Ixim, Gloria Esmeralda Canú Chirix, and Celsa Vidalia Teleguario Sipac for sharing with us their knowledge of Kaqchikel. Many thanks go to Maria Polinsky, Pedro Mateo Pedro, Marcel den Dikken, Katalin É. Kiss, and researchers at the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics for their support and interest in the project. The fieldwork for the project was supported by Jacobs Research Funds grants (2018‒2020) given to I. S. Burukina. The research of I. S. Burukina is also supported by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office under the grant NKFI 129921. All mistakes are ours.