Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2022. No. 3
Maria L. Kalenchuk Phonetic, orthoepic, pronunciational position: New approaches |
7 - 13 |
Maria A. Egorova On the semantics and discourse functions of the aorist and the pluperfect in Modern Serbian: A study of Milorad Pavić’s novel The Inner Side of the Wind |
14 - 53 |
Alexander M. Petrov Trochaic tetrameter in Russian folk spiritual verses of late tradition: Some issues of metrics and rhythmics |
54 - 74 |
Ekaterina A. Lyutikova The structural representation of ergativity in Northeast Caucasian |
75 - 108 |
Gasangusen R. Sulaibanov, Nina R. Sumbatova On one typological rarity: The causative in Tsugni Dargwa |
109 - 131 |
Elena K. Skribnik, Nadezhda B. Darzhaeva Buryat “semelfactive” and “constant” participles in typological perspective |
132 - 154 |
Fyodor V. Baykov [Review of:] O. Kagan. The semantics of case. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020 |
155 - 164 |