Lexicographic description of emotional and evaluative vocabulary in Russian and Spanish
Andrey Zaynuldinov a, Enrique Federico Quero Gervilla b
а University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, andrei.zainouldinov@ub.edu;
b University of Granada, Granada, Spain, efquero@ugr.es
The purpose of the article is to study the axiological pragmatic aspect of semantics in Russian and Spanish vocabulary, including general slang, with positive and negative emotional appraisal. The study contributes to resolving the numerous problems of lexicographic identification and creates a system of expressive marks that can be used in the lexicographic practice of various languages, as well as in translation. The authors hypothesize that emotional evaluation consists of various components which can be defined and described on the basis of objective linguistic markers, susceptible to objective analysis and computer processing. In other words, it is possible to represent the linguistic intuition of a researcher, using linguistic criteria and lexicographical description, which can then be applied in the creation of computer databases. The article also presents the history of research in the following categories: evaluation, emotional evaluation, emotionality and expressiveness. Types of positive and negative emotional evaluation are also identified. The study uses the DILEXVAL dictionary (“Dictionary of emotionally evaluative vocabulary of the Russian language with Spanish equivalents”) for analysis of the emotional-evaluative vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian language with their Spanish equivalents.
For citation:
Zaynuldinov A., Quero Gervilla E. F. Lexicographic description of emotional and evaluative vocabulary in Russian and Spanish. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 2019, 2: 96–110.
This work was carried out with the support and within the project «Somembed-slang: Comprensión del lenguaje en los medios de comunicación social» of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Development.