Russian gestures from a linguistic perspective (dedicated to the publication of Elena A. Grishina’s monograph).

2018. №5, 114-123

Olga V. Fedorova
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;
Institute of linguistics RAS, Moscow, Russia;


The present survey celebrates the publication of Elena A. Grishina’s monograph “Russian gestures from a linguistic perspective” (2017) and is devoted to the description of modern corpus studies in the field of gestural, or multimodal, linguistics, which examines spontaneous gestures in their relation to oral communication. The survey describes the features of Elena A. Grishina’s approach, which make her research unique not only for Russian linguistics, but also internationally.

For citation:

Fedorova O. V. Russian gestures from a linguistic perspective (dedicated to the publication of Elena A. Grishina’s monograph). Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2018. No. 5. Pp. 114–123. DOI: 10.31857/ S0373658X0001400-9.


This study is supported by Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 14-18-03819). The author is grateful to A. A. Kibrik who provided useful input during the preparation of the paper.