Da-clauses as complements of desiderative and manipulative verbs in Slovenian.

2018. №5, 87-113

Mladen Uhlik a, @, Andreja Žele a, b
a University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
b Fran Ramovš Institute of Slovenian Language, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia; @ mladen.uhlik@ff.uni-lj.si


The article treats the syntactic and semantic peculiarities of the three primary representatives of Slovenian desiderative and manipulative verbs, viz. želeti ‘wish’, hoteti ‘want’, and zahtevati ‘demand’. The main focus is on the various types of complements that they take, specifically the sentential complements introduced by complementizers da and naj, which function as objects to matrix predicates. Additional attention is devoted to the interchangeability of sentential and infinitive complements. The article analyzes the semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic criteria that influence the choice of a particular sentential complement, as well as the parameters determining the use of the complementizer that relates the clause complement to the matrix predicate. The analysis focuses on three types of construction with sentence connectives da and naj in main and dependent clauses: 1) da + the indicative mood, 2) da + the conditional mood, 3) naj + the indicative mood. The use of such sentence structures is connected with different meanings that the combinations achieve: in the so-called da-constructions, the conditional has an optative reading, while both da and naj function as hortatives if co-occurring with the indicative.

For citation:

Uhlik M., Žele A. Da-clauses as complements of desiderative and manipulative verbs in Slovenian. Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2018. No. 5. Pp. 87–113. DOI: 10.31857/S0373658X0001399-7.


The paper is part of a broader research “Slovenian complement DA-clauses (Contrastive analysis with Russian)”, which was presented at the International Congress of Slavists (Belgrade, 2018). The authors would like to thank M. Benić, W. Browne, K. A. Kožanov, M. V. Oslon, M. N. Saenko, S. S. Say, A. V. Zimmerling, V. J. Šatin, as well as anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions which helped us to improve the paper. All faults and shortcomings in the analysis are ours.