Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2025. No. 2
Ekaterina Rakhilina, Daria Ryzhova The principles of verbal colexification |
7 - 25 |
Katrin Schlund What is the Russian “elemental” construction (of the type vetrom sorvalo kryšu ‘the roof was ripped off by the wind’) about? |
26 - 48 |
Sergey V. Knyazev Southern Russian stød: Phonetics or phonology? |
49 - 104 |
Natalia A. Zevakhina, Alina A. Shchipkova, Alisa P. Chinkova Postnominal numerals are over-specified in referential communication: Evidence from Thai in comparison to Russian |
105 - 122 |
Daria D. Mordashova, Elina K. Kozhevnikova, Julia V. Sinitsyna Simulative constructions in Tatyshly Udmurt |
123 - 143 |
Anastasia A. Gerasimova Agreement variation in different grammar architectures: Challenges and perspectives |
144 - 164 |