The role of contacts within genetically related languages in the formation of Enets idioms

2024. №5, 25-59

Anna Yu. Urmanchieva
Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia;


The article examines the history of two closely related idioms: Forest and Tundra Enets, which, together with Nganasan and Forest and Tundra Nenets, spoken in the same region, belong to the Northern subgroup of Samoyedic languages. Arguments are given in favor of the hypothesis that the Protoenets language could have been formed in the process of transition from a language close to Nganasan to a language close to (Tundra) Nenets. At the same time, Enets — due to its geographically central position in the group of Northern Samoyedic languages of the Circumpolar region and the small number of speakers — has been influenced by Nganasan and Nenets throughout its history. Therefore, it is important to differentiate between the primary Enets-Nganasan isoglosses of a substrate nature and the secondary contact isoglosses, which unite Protoenets with Nganasan and, in a later period, Tundra Enets. The article examines Nganasan-Enets isoglosses (phonological, morphophonological, morphological) and proposes their stratification.

For citation:

Urmanchieva A. Yu. The role of contacts within genetically related languages in the formation of Enets idioms. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 2024, 5: 25–59.