Defining pronominal series: Demonstratives in West Circassian

2024. №2, 93-121

Yury A. Lander
HSE University, Moscow, Russia;
Shamset Sh. Unarokova
Adyghe State University, Maykop, Russia;


We discuss the concept of “pronominal series” and some principles that can be used for distinguishing pronominal series from similar phenomena. These principles are further applied to demonstratives in West Circassian (a polysynthetic language of the West Caucasian family) as represented in a large corpus including texts of various genres. We show that West Circassian displays at least eleven series of demonstratives but also make additional observations on how the principles defining pronominal series can be used in complex cases.

For citation:

Lander Yu. A., Unarokova Sh. Sh. Defining pronominal series: Demonstratives in West Circassian. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 2024, 2: 93–121.


We are grateful to Irina Bagirokova, Anna D. Lander, Fatima Unarokova, two anonymous reviewers and editors for improving our understanding of the data and correcting its presentation. All errors are ours. Yury Lander’s study was implemented in the framework of the Basic Research Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University).