Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2013. No. 3
Elena V. Uryson Syntax of conjunctions and connectors and valency theory. |
3 - 24 |
Vera I. Podlesskaya, Anna V. Starodubceva On the grammar of placeholders in colloquial speech. |
25 - 41 |
Sergei G. Tatevosov Polyprefixation and its consequences (Notes on the physiology of the Russian verb). |
42 - 89 |
Elena A. Grišina The system of head pointing. |
90 - 130 |
Arseniy P. Vydrin P. Samvelian. Grammaire des prédicats complexes: Les constructions nom-verbe. Paris: Lavoisier, 2012. 330 p. |
131 - 135 |
Kirill V. Babaev G. Dimmendaal. Historical linguistics and the comparative study of African languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2011. xviii + 421 p. |
135 - 137 |
Aleksandr Ju. Rusakov L. Jusufi. Die zentralgegische Mundartengruppe in Mazedonien. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz Verlag, 2011. 229 S. (Albanische Forschungen 30.). |
137 - 140 |
Anželika V. Dubasova, Julia V. Mazurova, Yulia V. Nikolaeva, Mariya V. Khudyakova V International conference of cognitive science. |
141 - 148 |
Daniil B. Tiskin, Anastasija S. Šimorina, Vladislav V. Porickij European summer school in logic, language and information (ESSLLI 2012). |
149 - 153 |
Nadezhda V. Kabinina II International conference «Ethnolinguistics. Onomastics. Etymology». |
153 - 157 |
Vasily I. Suprun XIII International conference «Onomastics of Volga region». |
157 - 159 |