Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
2019, 6 Christiane Andersen Is contact-induced syncretism possible? A corpus-based study on bilingual verbal morphology of spoken German in Russian Siberia 94-112
2019, 3 Anna Yu. Urmanchieva Narrative strategies as an evidence for language contact: Case study of Taz Selkup and Nganasan 84-100
2018, 6 Nina G. Zaitseva, Irma I. Mullonen Development of the dialectal areas of Vepsian: “Vepsian Linguistic Atlas” 85-103
2018, 3 Valery L. Vasilyev Old Novgorod linguistic traces in the regions of Eastern-European North and Siberia. 72-88
2018, 2 Natalia M. Stoynova Reflexives in dependent clauses in Modern Nanai: Contact-induced structural change and language attrition 71-98
2017, 5 Elena V. Perexval’skaja E.O. Aboh. The emergence of hybrid grammars: Language contact and change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 2015. xviii + 346 p. (Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact.) ISBN 978-0-521-76998-3. 142-152
2017, 4 Anna A. Plotnikova A. N. Sobolev, A. A. Novik (eds.). Golo Bordo (Gollobordё), Albaniya: iz materialov balkanskoi ekspeditsii RAN i SPbGU 2008—2010 gg. [Golo Bordo (Gollobordё), Albania: Selected materials from the 2008—2010 Balkan expeditions of RAS and SPbU]. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2013. 272 p. ISBN 978-5-02-03-8322-7; München: Verlag Otto Sagner, 2013. ISBN 978-3-86688-224-9*. 153-158
2017, 2 Dmitri V. Sitchinava I. A. S eržant, B. W iemer (eds.). Contemporary approaches to dialectology: The area of North, North-West Russian and Belarusian dialects. Bergen: University of Bergen, 2014. 401 p. (Slavica Bergensia 13). ISBN 978-82-90249-38-5. 139-147
2017, 1 Maxim L. Kisilier Lexical peculiarities of the Tsakonian dialect of Modern Greek: Preliminary observations and perspectives of study. 105-136
2016, 6 Gerd Hentschel Regular variation or «chaos»: The question of usus in mixed linguistic varieties — the case of Belarusian «Trasyanka». 84-112