Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
2015, 6 Alexander B. Letuchiy A. Holvoet, N. Nau (eds). Grammatical relations and their non-canonical encoding in Baltic. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2014. vii + 370 p. (Valency, argument realization and grammatical relations in Baltic. Vol. 1.) ISBN 978-9-02-725909-7. 140-151
2015, 5 Michail L. Kotin G. Hentschel, O. Taranenko, S. Zaprudski (Hrsg.). Trasjanka und Suržyk — gemischte weißrussisch- russische und ukrainisch-russische Rede. Sprachlicher Inzest in Weißrussland und in der Ukraine? Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2014. 394 S. 136-141
2015, 5 Ilya B. Itkin E. R. Dobrushina. Korpusnyye issledovaniya po morfemnoi, grammaticheskoi i leksicheskoi semantike russkogo yazyka [Corpus-based studies on morphemic, grammatical and lexical semantics of Russian]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo PSTGU, 2014. 270 p. ISBN 978-5-7429-0925-5. 142-150
2015, 5 Dmitri V. Sitchinava V. Kasevich, Y. Kleiner, P. Sériot (eds). History of linguistics 2011. Selected papers from the 12th International conference on the history of the language sciences (ICHoLS XII), Saint Petersburg, 28 august — 2 september 2011 (Studies in the history of the language sciences 123). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2014. 222 p. 150-155
2015, 4 Oleg S. Volkov D. V. Sitchinava. Tipologiya plyuskvamperfekta. Slavyanskij plyuskvamperfekt [Pluperfect typology. Pluperfect in the Slavic languages]. Moscow: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2013. 384 p. ISBN 978-5-462-01617-2. 134-138
2015, 4 Alexander I. Falileyev J. Carroll, D. Parsons (eds). Perceptions of place: Twenty-first-century interpretations of English place-name studies. Nottingham: English Place-Name Society, 2013. xxxvii, 474 p. ISBN 978-0-904889-86-4. 139-144
2015, 3 Peter M. Arkadiev [Review of:] M. M. Makartsev. Evidentsial’nost’ v prostranstve balkanskogo teksta [Evidentiality in the space of the Balkan text]. Moscow; St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2014. 444 p. ISBN 978-5-7576-0271-4. 110-116
2015, 3 Maria V. Shkapa I. A. Seržant, L. Kulikov (eds). The diachronic typology of non-canonical subjects. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2013. XXVI + 354 p. (Studies in language companion series, 140). ISBN 978-90-272-0607-7* 1. 116-121
2015, 3 Roman A. Govorukho, Irina M. Kobozeva O. Inkova, M. di Filippo, F. Esvan (a cura di). L’architettura del testo. Studi contrastivi slavo-romanzi. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2014. 237 р. 121-130
2015, 3 Fedor I. Rozhanskiy V. Mattes. Types of reduplication. A case study of Bikol. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2014. 210 p. (Studia Typologica 16). ISBN 978-3-11-036297-8. 131-135