Towards a typology of derivations of verbal measure: Semelfactive and delimitative

2021. №6, 40-68

Ilya V. Makarchuk
HSE University, Moscow, Russia;


The topic of the paper is the semantics of semelfactive and delimitative in a typological perspective. We describe in detail how semantic behavior of these derivations depends on the actional type of the verbal stem. We propose to analyze semelfactive as a situation of minimal duration and delimitative as a non-final portion of a situation. We show how this analysis allows to explain the variety of observed interpretations of the verbal derivatives.

For citation:

Makarchuk I. V. Towards a typology of derivations of verbal measure: Semelfactive and delimitative. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 2021, 6: 40–68.


The research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant No. 19-012-00627.