Notae Tocharicae: apälkāts, pärsā(n)ts, letse et autres addenda et corrigenda–4

2021. №3, 47-75

Ilya B. Itkin a
Sergey V. Malyshev b
a Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; HSE University, Moscow, Russia;;
b independent researcher;


This article continues the series of works “Addenda et corrigenda” (Svetlana Burlak & Ilya Itkin 2000, 2010; Ilya Itkin 2018) dedicated to re-interpretation and re-analysis of word forms found in Tocharian texts (mostly Tocharian A).

For citation:

Itkin I. B., Malyshev S. V. Notae Tocharicae: apälkāts, pärsā(n)ts, letse et autres addenda et corrigenda–4. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 2021, 3: 47–75.


The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to Svetlana I. Pereverzeva for assistance with the article and both anonymous reviewers for valuable suggestions.