Dъvoi čepi: On the history of Slavic collective numerals

2020. №4, 55-69

Vadim B. Krys’ko
Vinogradov Russian Language Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; vbkrysko@yandex.ru


The article analyzes the material of the monuments of early Slavic writing (Old Church Slavonic, Old Russian, Old Serbian), both books and letters, confi rming the conclusion of A. Vaillant that the numerical collective pronouns dъvoi and oboi could be used in the dual number in constructions denoting the totality of two diff erent objects. Special attention is paid to the reinterpretation of the Novgorod birchbark letter No. 1083 of the 12th century. At the end of the article, we consider examples in which dъvoi and oboi demonstrate the fullness of the number paradigms, and propose their grammatical and semantic classifi cation.

For citation:

Krys’ko V. B. Dъvoi čepi: On the history of Slavic collective numerals. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 2020, 4: 55–69.


The work was carried out in the framework of project No. 19-012-00113 A supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The author is grateful to I. M. Ladyzhenskij and Zh. L. Levshina for assistance in selecting material and to the independent reviewers of Voprosy Jazykoznanija for their valuable comments that helped clarify several provisions of the article.