Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2011. № 5

Nikolaj V. Percov, Igor A. Pilshchikov
On the linguistic aspects of textology.
3 - 30
Ekaterina R. Dobrushina
On the problem of semantic integrity of Russian preverbs.
31 - 43
Peter M. Arkadiev
On the syntax of «accusativus cum participio» constructions in Lithuanian.
44 - 75
Ksenija V. Antonjan
Verbal categories of Chinese adjectives.
76 - 89
Scientific Heritage
Scientific Heritage

The versification of I. Brodskij’s last poems.
90 - 103
Svetlana A. Burlak, Ilya B. Itkin
A. Carstairs-McCarthy. The evolution of morphology. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2010.
104 - 109
Valentina Apresjan
A.N. Gladkova. Russian cultural semantics: Emotions, values, attitudes. Moscow: Jazyki slavjanskix kul’tur, 2010.
110 - 113
Valentin Yu. Gusev
R. Benacchio. Aspect and politeness in the Slavic imperative: A comparative study. München: Otto Sagner, 2010.
113 - 116
Mikhail V. Oslon, Vytautas Rinkevičius
[Review of:] F. Kortlandt. Baltica & Balto-Slavica. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2009.
116 - 121
Filipp R. Minlos
F.I. Rožanskij. Reduplication: A typological study. Moscow: Znak, 2011.
121 - 124
Aleksandr Ju. Rusakov
B. Demiraj. Wir sind die Deinen. Studien zur albanischen Sprache, Literatur und Kulturgeschichte, dem Gedenken an Martin Camaj (1925–1992) gewidmet. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz Verlag, 2010.
125 - 133
Natalija S. Babenko
[Review of:] New large German-Russian dictionary in three volumes. About 500 000 lexemes / Under the supervision of D.O. Dobrovol’skij. V. I. А–F. 1023 p. 2008. V. II. G–Q. 1279 p. 2010. V. III. R–Z. 1263 p. 2010. Moscow: AST.
134 - 139
Academic life
Academic life
Viktor V. Timofeev
VI International scientific conference «Phonetics today».
140 - 143
Elena G. Borisova
Language as the basis of mutual understanding (on the «Understanding in communication 5» conference).
144 - 145
Irina A. Sedakova
XI Balkan conference «Balkan spectrum: From light to colour».
146 - 149
Marija A. Ovsjannikova, Sofia A. Oskolskaya, Sergej S. Saj
«The Russian language: Constructionist and lexico-semantic approaches».
150 - 157