Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 1993. No. 3

K. Heger
From the stemma to the actant model
5 - 14
Vladimir M. Alpatov
On the anthropocentric and systemcentric approaches to language
15 - 26
Valentina Apresjan, Ju.D. Apresian
The role of the metaphor in the semantic representation of emotions
27 - 35
V.S. Jurčenko
Real time and the structure of language (On the philosophy of linguistics)
36 - 47
K.H. Schmidt
Kartvelian and Armenian
48 - 58
L.P. Kalakuckaja
Proper names in the Orthographic dictionary of the Russian language and other linguistic dictionaries
59 - 75
I.B. Shatunovskii
Semantic structure of the sentence, the “copula” and non-referential words
76 - 85
A.K. Matveev
Substrate and loans in toponymy
86 - 95
Z.K. Tarlanov
Trends in the dynamics of verbal moods in East Lezgian languages
96 - 105
Anatoly F. Zhuravlev
To the seventieth birthday of Academician N.I. Tolstoy
106 - 112
V.A. Tatarinov
From the history of Russian terminology science: Ernest Karlovič Drezen
113 - 119
M. Alinei
The Linguistic Atlas of Europe: The first twenty two years
120 - 135
V.G. Gak
[Review] Baranov A.N., Kmaulov Ju.N. Russian political metaphor (materials to the Dictionary)
136 - 140
A.N. Portnov
[Review] Genesis of language
141 - 143
Vsevolod V. Potapov
[Review] Ladefoged P. Representing phonetic structure
144 - 147
B.P. Narumov
[Review] Hispanica Posnaniensia
147 - 149
D.M. Nasilov
[Review] Kozinceva N.A. The temporal localisation of the action and its links to aspectual, modal and taxis meanings
149 - 153
Tatiana M. Nikolaeva
[Review] New publications
153 - 155
Academic life
Academic life
R.G. Piotrovskij
Conferences devoted to computer (engineering) linguistics
156 - 158