Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 1989. No. 1

Aleksandr E. Kibrik
Typology: Taxonomic or explanatory, static or dynamic
5 - 15
V.A. Rodionov
“Holistic typology” vs. “partial typology”
16 - 30
M.V. Panov
Linguistics and methods of teaching Russian
31 - 43
B.A. Krivonosov
On the correlation of language units and forms of thought
44 - 54
Z.K. Tarlanov
The lexical-syntactic isomorphism in the history of language
55 - 63
T.V. Toporova
Problems of authenticity: Gothic compound words and fragments of text
64 - 76
A.K. Matveev
Substrate microtoponymy as an object of complex regional research
77 - 85
L.M. Medvedeva
Types of motivation in word-formation and semantics of derived words
86 - 97
T.R. Kijak
On the types of motivation of lexical units
98 - 107
V.A. Maslova
Towards a psycholinguistic model of connotation
108 - 120
P.A. Florenskij
The term
121 - 133
Mark M. Makovskij
[Review] Althochdeutsches Glossenwörterbuch
134 - 141
E.I. Rombandeeva
[Review] Munkácsi–Kálmán. Wogulisches Wörterbuch
142 - 144
V.E. Orel, M.A. Osipova
[Review] An etymological dictionary of geographical names in the chronicles of the Southern Rus’
144 - 146
V.A. Moskovoj
[Review] Xrakovskij V.S., Volodin A.P. Semantics and typology of the imperative. The Russian imperative
146 - 149
M.-S.M. Musaev
[Review] Xajdakov S.M. The Dargwa and Mehweb languages. Principles of inflection
150 - 152
M.E. Alekseev
[Review] Studies in ergativity
152 - 156
N.S. Manasjan
[Review] Butler Chr. Statistics in linguistics
156 - 157
Academic life
Academic life

Chronicle Notes
158 - 160