Multimedia database of Russian Sign Language items in 3D

2020. №1, 104-123

Ildar Kagirov @
Dmitry A. Ryumin
Alexander A. Axyonov
Alexey A. Karpov
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia;


The present paper describes a multimedia database (MMDB) of the Russian Sign Language (RSL) and briefl y sketches the outlines of its phonological annotation. This MMDB is unusual thanks to 3D format, which provides new opportunities for the lexicographical description of the vocabulary and enhances the study of RSL articulation features. The three-dimensional representation of the gesture is achieved by using a Kinect 2.0 camera that records data in high resolution (FullHD), in the depth map mode and in the infrared range. The presented DB comprises 164 lexical items and clauses, demonstrated by 13 signers and repeated 5 times at least. The total size of all the fi les is 3.8 Tb, the video duration is more than 8 hours. The article provides an overview of the existing RSL databases, reveals the content of the described dictionary, outlines principles of linguistic annotation of gestures, and gives an explanation the set of features used for annotation of the present MMDB. It is noted in the paper that some parameters of signs can vary signifi cantly from informant to informant, e.g. handshape and localization. However, the reasons for such variability, as well as its scope and signifi cance for describing RSL, are a matter of further research.

For citation:

Kagirov I. А., Ryumin D. A., Axyonov A. A., Karpov A. A. Multimedia database of Russian Sign Language items in 3D. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 2020, 1: 104–123.


The research is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, under the agreement No. 14.616.21.0095 (ID Number: RFMEFI61618X0095).