Год / Выпуск Авторы Заголовок Стр.
2020, 4 Marija A. Xolodilova Specialized interrogative-based relative pronouns in Slavic languages 7-24
2020, 3 Marija A. Xolodilova [Review of:] Y. Matsumoto, B. Comrie, P. Sells (eds.). Noun-modifying clause constructions in languages of Eurasia: Rethinking theoretical and geographical boundaries. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2017. vi + 381 p. 135-144
2020, 2 Alexander B. Letuchiy, Anna V. Viklova Raising and similar phenomena in Russian (mainly based on the behavior of pronouns) 31-60
2019, 5 Natalia V. Serdobolskaya, Anastasia D. Egorova Morphosyntax of non-standard constructions with to čto in Colloquial Russian 41-72
2017, 6 Natalia V. Patroeva The syntax of 18-century Russian poetry in connection with metrics, strophic organization, and genre. 20-41
1999, 6 A.M. Lomov, R. Gusman Tirado The Russian complex sentence and methods of its substantial interpretation 54-65
1999, 1 Tatiana M. Nikolaeva, I. Fougeron Some observations on the semantics and status of complex sentences with concessive conjunctions 17-36
1998, 3 A.N. Pechnikov Ways of linking predicative units in a compound sentence 151-158
1997, 4 V.M. Zhivov Some remarks on the historical syntax of the Russian language (On the book: G. Hüttl-Folter. Syntaktische Studien zur neueren russischen Literatursprache. Die frühen Übersetzungen aus dem Französischen. Böhlau Verlag. Wien; Köln; Weimar, 1996.) 58-69
1995, 3 L.A. Sergievskaya Modality of the compound and complex sentences with imperative meaning in contemporary Russian 48-55