The grammatical opposition ‘determinate / indeterminate’ in Russian verbs of motion (idti / xodit’ type)

2019. №1, 75-92

Natalia V. Bernitskaïa
Sorbonne, Paris, France;


The article revises different points of view and suggests a renewed view of the grammatical opposition of verbs of motion like idti / xodit’ ‘go, walk’ in the Russian language. It is suggested to consider the given opposition as a specific grammar means of expressing the category of determinacy / indeterminacy. Verbs like idti denote a definite, concrete action whereas verbs like xodit’ denote an uncertain, generalized action. As the essential underlying parameters for the determinacy, the attitude of predicates to space and time is recognized.

For citation:

Bernitskaïa N. V. The grammatical opposition ‘determinate / indeterminate’ in Russian verbs of motion (idti / xodit’ type). Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2019. No. 1. Pp. 75–92. DOI: 10.31857/ S0373658X0003596-4.


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