Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2017. No. 2

Valentina Apresjan
Double semantic roles in direct and metaphorical meanings of polysemous verbs.
7 - 32
Evdokia A. Valova, Natalia Slioussar
Syntactic properties of the Russian enclitic že: Corpus-based and experimental approaches.
33 - 48
Konstantin G. Krasukhin
Was Proto-Indo-European an active language? (towards the typology of PIE).
49 - 76
Vladimir B. Ivanov, Leyli R. Dodykhudoeva
Syntactic relations of nominals in the North Western Iranian languages (with special focus on Mazandarani and Gilaki)
77 - 95
Natalia M. Zaika
Overlap of prosodic constituents in Old Souletin Basque.
96 - 108
Michail L. Kotin
Unreal conditional clause and independent clause of optative condition: Problems of grammatical status.
109 - 130
Maria V. Shkapa
E. van Gelderen (ed.). Cyclical change continued. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2016. viii + 429 p. (Linguistics today 227). ISBN 978-90-272-5710-9.
131 - 133
Alexander Ch. Piperski
N. Levshina. How to do linguistics with R. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015. xii + 443 p. ISBN 978-90-272-1224-5.
134 - 139
Dmitri V. Sitchinava
I. A. S eržant, B. W iemer (eds.). Contemporary approaches to dialectology: The area of North, North-West Russian and Belarusian dialects. Bergen: University of Bergen, 2014. 401 p. (Slavica Bergensia 13). ISBN 978-82-90249-38-5.
139 - 147
Andrey I. Izotov
J. Marvan. Jazyk. Jeho český příběh: Prvních tisíc let 800—1800: Malý průvodce cestami české lingvoekologie. Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum, 2015. 456 s. ISBN 978-80- 246-3034-2.
147 - 149
Joy I. Edelman, Elena K. Molchanova
M. Hassandoust. Farhang-e riše-šenāxti-ye zabān- e fārsi [An etymological dictionary of the Persian language]. ǰeld-e 1—5. Tehrān: Farhangestān-e zabān va adab-e fārsi, 1393/2014. ISBN 964-7531-28-1.
149 - 159